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The rules reside here as well as other must-know things. If you are a member, please read everything on here!

6 6 Loner Guide
by Breeze--Gone13-25--
May 26, 2009 22:23:50 GMT -5
No New Posts W E L C O M E

Are you new? If so come here and introduce yourself! Don't be shy, we don't bite- much.

3 16 Ummmm....hi?
by Breeze--Gone13-25--
Jun 26, 2009 15:51:26 GMT -5
No New Posts C H A T

You can talk about anything here. You can be random, serious, or somewhere in between. Enjoy yourself. :3

3 10 Music?
by ginger
Jun 21, 2009 21:27:01 GMT -5
No New Posts LET IT ALL O U T

Something bothering you? Come here! It's better than screaming into your pillow or punching the wall. Expect drama and a lot of yelling here.

1 7 Random complaint thread
by ginger
Jun 21, 2009 21:30:20 GMT -5
No New Posts LEAVING ??

Don't leave! But if you must, you must. If your going away forever, you have to tell us, right? If you are just going away temporarily...still tell us!

3 8 going on vacationnn.
by smiley
Jul 20, 2009 1:41:05 GMT -5

Come in and post all your favorite sites here. Please abide by the rules inside, though. If you don't your add will be deleted.


Sub-boards: A F F I L I A T E, LINK B A C K, F I R ST T I ME?

123 138 Another Warrior Roleplay
by AWRP Admin
Apr 8, 2015 15:44:33 GMT -5

This is where all the older posts go so that they don't clutter the rest of the boards. If your looking for a thread and can't find it on the site, you should look here.

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No New Posts STAFF L O U N G E

Only staff may enter here.

5 68


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No New Posts THE JOYS OF W R I T I N G

Come to this board to write your hearts desire. Whether it be a fanfiction, poem, short-story or lyric, the sky is open. You may also look for critique on this board or hold writing contests.

Sub-board: PORTFOLIOS !!

3 7 Trapped Preview
by ginger
Jun 21, 2009 19:02:59 GMT -5
No New Posts TIGERS & LIONS & A R T

Do we have any artists on this site? Come here and share all your lovely masterpieces. It can be anything; a photograph, drawing, graphic, or sculpture (or anything else).

Sub-board: PORTFOLIOS !!

3 4 Persistance of Memory
by ginger
Jun 21, 2009 17:53:43 GMT -5
No New Posts S T U D I O S

This board is dedicated to requests and requests only. You may make a request to have your own studio here. If you do make one, you should have a portfolio and be willing to take requests within a reasonable time frame.

Sub-boards: Broken Mirror Studios, The Persistance of Memory

3 5 Persistance of Memory
by Breeze--Gone13-25--
May 21, 2009 19:44:10 GMT -5

Heads & Tails

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Is it time for another cat? Create your newest char here! Please follow the profile form, though.

Sub-boards: Shimmerclan, Needleclan, Pathclan, Trickleclan, Loners

6 7 Arbalestwind [FIN]
by H.A.W.K.I.E~*
Jul 11, 2009 14:58:21 GMT -5
No New Posts A C C E P T E D

All accepted profiles go here.

Sub-boards: Trickleclan, Shimmerclan, Needleclan, Pathclan, Loners

33 61 Scorpionpaw {FIN}
by Sacrifice - Vacation 20th-7th
Jul 10, 2009 10:24:13 GMT -5
No New Posts L I T T E R S

Is your cat going to have a litter of kittens? Make a thread about it.
See who has open slots in a litter.

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No New Posts M A T C H MAKERS

Is your cat lonely? Find a mate for your character here!

1 4 crush wanted!
by Mav
Jun 12, 2009 14:18:36 GMT -5
No New Posts PLOTS&&IDEAS !!

If you've been thinking of some cool ideas and plots, come here and say what's on your mind. You might have an idea for a site plot, in which case the staff will consider it, or you may have a mini-plot in mind. If you are thinking of a mini-plot then you can find people here to go along with it or fill in plot characters.

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No New Posts ShimmerClan Camp

The soft meowing sound of cats is just heard over the roar and crash of distant waves on the sandy surface. You see on a ledge just a few feet off the sand, too high for the occasional rogue wave to crash into, two boulders with a deep, what appears to be a crack in the center of them. ShimmerClan cats use that crack to get into their camp, as it is the only known entrance. Behind the boulders you find wide open space, almost all the dens made up from wide cracks in the rock walls that seem to extend to no end. A few of these cracks had to be blocked though, for reasons only a select few know about. The leader speaks from the highest ledge in the camp, also where their den is located. Strong winds often blow up there though, so footing isn't always the easiest. The warrior's den is located closest to the entrance, in a wide cave that is surrounded by brambles. The apprentice's den is located in a rotten log, appearing whole on the surface but really opening up for a good dry place. The nursery is located next to the wall, away from the occasional wind, and possibly the dryest place in the camp. You can almost always hear the upset squeaks of kits as they are dragged back. The nursery is surrounded by even thicker bramble, providing a great barrier for the queens. The medicine cat's den is located under an overhang, although a thick ledge protects the medicine cat from the possibility of the ledge falling. There is always a damp area in the back, and if you put moss in that damp area, it would soon to become soaked in water. Soft moss also tends to grow in there at times. Elders sleep in the den that is always in the sunshine, providing a warm place for their frail bones. Don't bother them though, they always have something to complain about.

Moderator: Sacrifice - Vacation 20th-7th

3 29 &&-- Duties.
by S t a r * T i g e r
Jul 2, 2009 0:08:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Forgotten Memory

Along ShimmerClan's stretch of beach, there is something that only the most loyal, or adventerous, cats know about. Although the gentle lapping sound of waves and the soft golden red beach way fool you as the relaxing scene stretchs forth, if you walk far enough, you can find a rather strange sight. When the ocean is at the lowest, you see a lone cave. As the tide pulls away, one must be quick to reach the little shelter before the water returns to roll an unlucky cat in the salty waters of the ocean, and with that, comes the strong chance of never coming back up again, to be lost forever. If you happen to reach the cave though, there is a large slope one must climb. In the cave though, with the darkness surrounding you, is something that has never been seen before, unique to all ShimmerClan cats. Dozens of crystals are formed on the walls, but even more mysterious then that, is the moss that grows there, like it was once a nest that one slept in. One wonders what happened to those poor souls, although that doesn't stop one from exploring the upper levels of the caves, where other breathtaking features are just waiting to be unearthed. Still, there is something almost magnetic about that first area, with the torn nests and faint scents...

Moderator: Sacrifice - Vacation 20th-7th

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No New Posts Along the Edge

Branching off of ShimmerClan camp, a thin ledge leads the way to several choice areas that ShimmerClan all their own. At the end of the ledge, which slopes down to a strange area of beach and grassland, you find the ShimmerClan borders, and main hunting ground. The land here is very wet and sometimes a bit goop like, but hunting for sand crabs is best when the tide is low. If you want some easier prey though, a vast collection of hollowed out rocks is just a few inches in the water, providing a good place to hunt for fish, or anything else that might be edible. In the Grassland, you can find several different creatures, and you might even catch a Seagull if your quick enough.

Moderator: Sacrifice - Vacation 20th-7th

2 25 Along the Ocean
by Blue
Jun 19, 2009 16:20:51 GMT -5


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No New Posts Pathclan Camp

If you are new to Pathclan, all you must do to find the camp is to follow the wind. It always seems to lead you to where the clan cats dwell. If you are a resident warrior, then it should be no difficulty. Two fat, short, lone evergreens stand close together to mark the entrance of the Pathclan camp. Once inside, there is not much difference other than the many piles of dirt that scatter across the area. Closer up, you will discover that these are in fact extended rabbit burrows that expand as you travel downward. The center of the camp is underground. All the burrows tunnel to the master burrow. The master burrow (called that by all Pathclan warriors) is a wide space underground where all the burrows meet. It has a low ceiling, like the rest of the camp, but is fairly large. There is a fresh kill pile and a small dirt dais (the ceiling is a tad higher here) where the leaders may speak. The medicine cats den is the second largest and a small pool of water lies just outside the burrow. Moss grows in rocks around this pool, and the medicine cat only has to take a short trip to the surface to reach it.

Moderator: Breeze--Gone13-25--

1 1 The Morning is Fresher when you Breath
by Breeze--Gone13-25--
Jun 10, 2009 17:07:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Surroundings

Pathclan sits on the bald of a foothill. The bottom and middle of the foothill, that Trickleclan territory is, is the normal wooded region you'd expect. On the top, however is the grassy plains that are commonly known as a bald. Long grass that comes up to your ears is never absent anywhere in the territory. There are boulders, but they are often few and far between, as are most of the evergreens that you can see standing alone almost everywhere you turn. The evergreens actually surround Pathclan before slowly thinning out towards the center. There is also usually a strong wind gusting by. Pathclan are constantly having to fight away foxes, for the rabbits and mice here are abundant, as well as harmless, but tasty, lizards and snakes.

Moderator: Breeze--Gone13-25--

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No New Posts The Stone Staircase

Near the back of the territory, overlooking the vale beyond the clans that is home of the loners is the Stone Staircase. From a distance it looks like giant spikes emerging from some long buried monsters back. Even up close it looks similar. These 'spikes', though, are just giant pieces of rocks. They start small; small enough to jump on, and slowly get taller. They stand close to each other so that a cat may jump from one slab to another, but it actually goes in a spiral shape. Once you have made your way to the center, you are presented with a marvelous view. All the way to the ocean's horizon, and in the opposite direction to the mountains that loom far away in the distance, looking like hazy storm clouds. Only the finest jumpers may reach the very top, though, for the jutting rocks are spread farther apart in some places. Once you get past the first seven stones, a fall would most certainly kill you. Also beware the strong gales that will unexpectedly fell you. Beware. The farther you jump, the taller the heights, the more difficult the climb, the shorter your life.

Moderator: Breeze--Gone13-25--

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No New Posts NeedleClan Camp

The ground is wet underpaw. You test it before taking a step. Each is precious as getting to camp alive without slipping in small pools of water. Pines are spread apart with low branches to leap into for saftey. You see a bit of a rocky outcropping with thorn barriers. You find the enterance is carefully laid branches that make an arch. When you walk through, the camp is warm with grumpy elders and playful kits. A hollow in a tree serves as the leaders den with a branch jutting a pawstep below it to hold clan meetings. The elders den is a tree almost destroyed by lightning. Medicine Cats sleep and treat sick cats in a pile rocks that stayed since the clans began with a curtian of moss that is sometimes taken down and used as bedding. Apprentices sleep in a clump of elder bushes. Lastly, the warriors rest in a hollow in the ground sheltered by branches.

Sub-board: Training Area

1 14 Sleepless Night
by *Mosswater~
Jul 2, 2009 17:41:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Territory, Hunting Grounds and Boarders

The marshy territory seems silent, but is alive with prey. Few pines dot the area. The cover of night is the only way to hunt since there aren't many grasses to hide behind. A bit of beauty is added by a bush of wild roses with a hole to sleep in. Keep your nose out! who knows what's in there!

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No New Posts Clear Pool

How odd! A clear pool of water in a swamp? Seems to be possible here. Cats can wade and kits can splash the water around- Hey! not on me! A red mangrove sits in the middle of it. Some of the warriors used to compete to see who can swim to it first. But after Rainshadow, a warrior, died during the competetion their leader forbade anyone to compete. No one knows why Rainshadow died; the elders only said, 'He let out a screech of pain, slipped into the water and never came back up.' They did get his body out though.

1 2 Falling Forward
by Breeze--Gone13-25--
Jun 11, 2009 11:07:56 GMT -5


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No New Posts TrickleClan Camp

A steep drops off a quartz and stone deposit, carrying the off the river in a splashing fall. Water trickles, straying down on a shelf that has been worn away, where the TrickleClan camp lays. Off on the left side of the steep the rock has shorn away to a one-walled cut, sheltered by the ivy and creeping plants that hang downwards off the edge. Climb through a tight tunnel that drains water to find the center of activity for this group of proud cats. Nests have been constructed from dry scrub and leafings from the hanging plants, around pools of clean, glowing water that collect from drips off the waterfall. The pools are about half a leg-length deep, don't collect junk from the river, and siphon back off the edge before insects have a chance to nest, making it the sweetest water in all the forest and is thought to be the source of TrickleClan's strength and name.
Go behind the waterfall, and you'll reach the leader's den. It's a nest walled by a sheet of light-filtered water, and cupped shallowy on each side but for the half-tunnel of rock used to get there.

Moderator: Oxbow

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No New Posts Tide Pools

Along the banks of a great, misty river, reeds shoot from the mud. Cups of sand dot the shore, filled with water lapped in by the tides. Minnows and small fish flit and dart above the sand, travelling in packs. TrickleClan has learned that these fish can be herded into solitary pools of water and sealed off from the rest of the tide, making them easy to catch.
Wander further down the beach, and maybe, if you're lucky, you can hook a catfish off the sand bars!
Just be sure to stay on this side of the river. It's so wide, you'd need eight lives to cross.

2 4 a discreet charm.
by Robintail.
Jun 16, 2009 21:17:52 GMT -5
No New Posts Abandoned Horizons

Ridges and hills wind across the land behind the river. Leaf litter is thick, roots gnarl wildly, and the ancient trees groan and hiss in the wind. Buried in thick cuts in the ground a black paved road sleeps. Twolegs built this path, but have long since abandoned it, and the TrickleClan cats have taken to hunting the mice that scurry onto it to soak up the warmth of the sun. Just as long as they are careful not to break their necks jumping from the steep sides of the hill to the pavement.

1 14 ``replacing the forgotten memories
by Mav
Jun 30, 2009 15:32:04 GMT -5

Sacred Lands

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No New Posts The Joined Star

The Joined Star acts as a space for the four clans to gather. The gathering place is between Needleclan and Trickleclan. To get here coming from Shimmerclan, you must go through the marshes. From Pathclan, you must travel over many streams. The Joined Star itself is relatively dry. It looks like a star with four points. There is an ancient White Oak in the middle with a vine surrounding it so thick a cat can jump onto it and walk around on it easily. Thorn trees and a gentle stream surround the Joined Star of the Clans. It is very sacred. Every full moon the cats meet here under a truce by Starclan. The leaders then share information to the clans from the White Oak vine.

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No New Posts The Whispering Waters

There is a steep cliff by the ocean where a rickety stairway leads down to a cave right above the crashing waves against rock face. Deep inside the cave is a hot spring. The bubbling water that sounds like the whispering of others far away. The medicine cats of each clan come down here to speak to Starclan after moonhigh. They are the only cats who can understand the whispers and they believe they are the whispers of Starclan. However, they might be wrong, for there are two dead ancestors that come here every half moon. If one comes before sundown, you will here the whispers on Sunclan, Starclan's nemesis.

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Beyond the Clans

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No New Posts The Forgotten Meadow

Cats unnoticed wander here. The forgotten meadow are for those who wish to be left alone or those who simply don't live in the clans. The meadow and surrounding forest are certainly enclosed well, making the clans seem far off indeed. The Forgotten Meadow lies in somewhat of a basin, and most don't wish to climb the hill and get to the upper lands.

1 8 The Cold
by Mav
Jun 12, 2009 12:21:49 GMT -5
No New Posts The Town and Farmland

This isn't so much a town, but rather many farms sprawled out upon the land. There is a town near the loner's meadow. It is made up of a town hall, some simple stores, fast food places, one restaurant, and a couple extremely ancient houses. There are plenty of dead end streets to wander for alley cats, and there aren't too many kittypets. Most cats who belong to two-legs here are barn cats who wander as they please.

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